
dopepod - Podcast Player

dopepod - Podcast Player

A podcast player project that has evolved from a web application to a cross-platform mobile app, providing an easy way to discover and enjoy thousands of free podcasts.

Web Version (v1)

The original dopepod used Django with PostgreSQL for the backend, with jQuery powering the frontend. The iTunes API provided the podcast catalog, while custom scrapers enriched the podcast metadata.

dopepod Web Version The original web-based dopepod interface

Mobile Version (v3)

Version 3.0 represents a complete rebuild with Flutter and Django. The backend uses Django REST Framework with PostgreSQL, while Celery and Redis handle background tasks. Scrapy spiders keep the podcast directory fresh and up-to-date.

dopepod Mobile Version The new cross-platform mobile version (dop3pod)

The app is available on Google Play, with an iOS version in development.

Source Code

Both versions are open source and available on GitHub:

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.